Friday 5 October 2007

Invading advertising, by Clothilde Gonthier

Nowadays advertisements are really everywhere. We cannot escape them. Indeed they are on TV, on the radio, on billboards in the streets. It could be tolerable if the rate of advertisements was not increasing all the time, however this is the case. Managers try to find new advertising media, maybe because we pay less attention to adverts than we used to, precisely because they are everywhere. For example, in America, marketing executives gave free computers to different schools in exchange for advertising their brands on exercise book-covers. So advertisements are now coming into classrooms.
In France, we may see adverts in the sky near beaches. Indeed managers make advertising campaigns by means of planes. Plane tow advertising streamers, which is a good way to attract people’s attention. Additionally, we can imagine that in the future we will hear adverts when we are sleeping on the underground, in order to convince our subconscious minds to buy the product.

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