Thursday, 6 December 2007

Report: Ivato International Airport, by Rafanambinantsoa Valohery

You have probably already heard or seen documentary about Madagascar. Madagascar is a wonderful island which appears on a lot of documentaries about the Indian Ocean. This island offers a lot of activities and leisure pursuits. It has Ivato as the International Airport which is located in the capital: Antananarivo Indeed, Ivato is not the only one, but there are still around eight smaller airports located in the other provinces.

The first point is about traffic in navigation which defines the number of flights in the FIR (Flight Information Region) on average for a precise time which is always a day. Especially for Ivato, it controls all the flights inside the Indian Ocean space. It means, task is difficult for Ivato Air Traffic Controllers to manage all the aircraft inside the FIR which is almost the whole Indian Ocean. In 2005 all the terminals were re-developed and nowadays the airport has around ten terminals and it also provides stands for 20 aeroplanes.

Secondly, as we can see inside the famous airports as Foissy Charles de Gaulles for Paris and Heathrow for London, modestly, Malagasy people must be proud of their Duty Free shop and their Customer Service and above all safety service. Before boarding, foreign passengers are invited to discover or to buy Malagasy products for souvenirs. After that, there are three companies which provide all kinds of flights (international or domestic), these is Air France for international flights, Air Madagascar for international and domestic flights and ATTR for only domestic flights.

The final part is focussed on technology used in navigation. Even if this airport is not among the biggest in the world, it uses the main technology required by ICAO rules, for example, x-ray scanner, Instruments Landing System and VOR. The government has incl.uded in hits development plan the rehabilitation of all airports and especially making Ivato a reference to Indian Ocean Islands.
To sum up, time and paper are not enough to describe all the beauty of Madagascar International Airport. But, it represents or reflects the first symbol of Madagascar when foreign people arrive for the first time in this country. The most important is that one of the main subjects of government plan is the redevelopment of Ivato Airport. So, imagine our airport after 5 years!!

[and in a similar vein... - Ed]

My Airport, by Benj

On the north-wst of Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar is Ivato. With its three kilometres runway, many companies such as Airmad, Air Mauritius, South Africa Airlines, Air France link Antananarivo to other local, regional and international towns. 15 aircraft can stand there.

The airport opens seven days a week and many controllers and technicians work every day and every night to guarantee a safe and secure flow traffic with many kinds of equipment, giving information used in air navigation control such as meteo (wind direction, wind speed, visibility), navigation equipment (VOR, DME, radar), landing system (ILS, NDB), phones, VHF transmitter and receiver, microphones and clocks.

In departure, it has two terminals: one for national and one for international in which twenty check-in desks are available serving passengers for all destinations. The luggage weight doesn’t exceed the authorised weight described on your ticket and 12 kg for your hand luggage. There are four passport control desks and two x-ray scanners with two metal detectors. Before the departure gates, duty free shops are available for souvenirs and gifts.

In arrival, four passport control desks are available and one caroussel for the luggage. It doesn’t have an x-ray scanner, but four tables are used by customers to check passenger luggage and two big screens show permanently, in the real time, the arrival or departure information.

Number of flights in Madagascar doesn’t stop rising every year and the number of passengers to be served follow the traffic frequency. That why our government take in their account to extend the airport, in arrival and in departure and Malagasy people hope that this extension will happen as soon as possible.

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