Saturday, 22 December 2007

Bristol Blue Glass Factory - photos from Ahmad

On Sunday 2 December a small group of students visited the Bristol Blue Glass Factory.
After hearing a short talk about the history of Bristol Blue glass, we all got a chance to blow a glass bubble. Here we are with James, who at 22 is the most experienced glass blower there.

Maria learns how to blow a good bubble... The trick is to blow continuously, soft and steady - like a balloon, at first nothing happens...

And here she goes...! James is turning the tube to ensure the bubble stays round.

Here you can see Rayan demonstrating his technique - see the white-hot glass...

Cooling to red-blue as he goes on blowing...

However, if you blow too hard, like Mohammad did, the bubble sags towards the floor.

Finally and sadly our bubbles were smashed and the glass recycled - Shige shields his eyes.

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