Thursday, 6 December 2007

Report: Abidjan International Airport, by Coulibaly Sionhagnigui

Abidjan International Airport is in the east of the city with a new terminal since 2000. It about 20 mins. from the city centre by car. The runway is 3 km long. The air traffic is managed by ASECNA and AERIA manages all the formalities for travelling.

Abidjan Airport is the most important in the country and many airlines such as Air Ivoire, Air Burkino, Air France, Royal Air Maroc operate there.

The security at the airport has been improved the last few years with a new property demarcation since 2005. The runway previously about 2.7 km long has been extended about 3 km and the radar had been replaced by a new one in order to make easy the traffic management.

The terminal has a main hall where people can stay before going to the departure hall, there they can get information about any flight from or to Abidjan. Before going to the departure hall a security agent check the passport and then they go to the check-in desk. Once luggage is checked in with the x-ray scanner, they make their way to the duty-free shop or the departure lounge after their passport have been checked in by immigration officer. The last control with a metal detector happen when they are boarding.

The traffic increase at Abidjan Airport, but the certification is on issue unsolved. The authorities have to provide strict services according to ICAO conventions in order to make more safe the airport and get the certification.

[and more on this airport... - Ed]

Abidjan Airport, by Kouassi

Abidjan International Airport is situated bordering the Atlantic sea, in Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa.

It is the biggest airport in the country and one of the most important in West Africa.

The runway is 3000 m in length, with 25 aircraft stands. It has all the equipment used by pilots to communicate and fly their aircraft. In the Control Tower, the Air Traffic Controllers are always giving all the information for the safety of flights, such as meteorology. The electronical equipment is completed, by night, with an airfield lighting system which makes landing easy and safe. The Air Traffic Controllers use also RADAR systems to manage the traffic.

Abidjan airport has a new modern terminal. It has been renewed and extended in 1998. In 1999 and only for this year, the traffic had reached 1.2 million of passengers. The arrival lounge is equipped with the usual systems, like metal detectors and x-ray scanners. In the departure lounge, you have the same equipment on which you add a duty-free shop and a restaurant.

The airport authorities have an extension plan of the terminal. They think that in the future, Abidjan will become the hub of West Africa. It will be the biggest airport of this area of the continent.

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