Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Intergalactic encounters of the 3rd kind - courtesy of Rick

Some of you may have been unaware that Rick recently discovered a new galaxy. For those of us unfamiliar with astronomy, astrology, gastrology, and even astrophysics (spot the odd one out), Rick would be happy to take any of your questions on these subjects. Please drop by and ask our resident guru any interstellar questions. The above picture was designed by Rick and the Webmaster of this fantastic site about cosmology: http://theinterstellarblogofspace.blogspot.com/

Think you are the brains of the cosmos? Try our intergalactic quiz:

1. Why does Darth Vader wear that grim black suit and helmet all the time?

Because he's one ugly dude.
Because he needs it in order to breathe.
Because it symbolizes that he's evil.
Because he likes to feel special.

2. In the movie Alien the creature reproduces by laying eggs in the stomach of humans (and then bursts out). This is similar to the reproductive practice of __________________.

the black widow spider

the tsetse fly

the cockroach

3. The loveable alien in Steven Spielberg's E.T. is modeled after _______________________

a creature that Steven Spielberg dreamt about throughout his childhood.

composites of drawings by people who claimed they were abducted by aliens.

Albert Einstein and Carl Sandburg.

4. The spaceships in Star Wars often bank when they turn. Why is this scientifically impossible?

There is no gravity in space.

There is no air resistance in space.

None of the ships are equipped with air flaps.

5. How did the sound effects team create the sound of the TIE Fighters?

They dragged a violin bow over an electric guitar.

They combined the sound of a baby elephant with that of a car on wet highway.

They struck the guy wires of a power pylon.

For the answers, see Rick.

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