I visited London Saturday. We (students and teacher) met in Bristol bus station at 8 o’clock. But I had to go to the school building because Arslan, Ahmad and Benoit didn’t know where it is. So we promised to meet at the school Friday. After I met them, we went to the bus station. When we arrived there, the people had already got there. The teacher checked the people but she didn’t find Saud, Henry and Saudo. Fortunately, just saudo got on the bus before the bus departed. But I couldn’t reach him on the phone. Saud was called by Ahmad. Luckily Ahmad could reach Saud on the phone, but Saud didn’t come. Friday we drank alcohol and went to a night club. But I went to home early, but most people stayed late. I heard Henry got back home at 3 o’clock AM. So Saud was later than Henry. On going to London by the bus, I answered the phone to Henry. He wanted to go to London and to meet us there. I told the teacher’s mobile number to Henry. Then I felt more and more my eyes close. When I woke up, I had already been in London. After we got off the bus, the teacher asked us to think of places we wanted to visit. The teacher decided to go to Buckingham Palace. We headed there. We reached there on foot in about 15 minutes. I was surprised there because there were a lot of people. I felt that they didn’t just keen on visiting there because there weren’t only people but also too many policemen. I asked the reason teacher why there were lots of people. She didn’t know either. So she asked that the policemen for the reason. After she talked with them, she told us the reason. She said ‘today is the queen’s birthday!!!!’ I was so pleased! We were determined to wait for her. But although we waited for 30minuts, she didn’t appear. As we (Arslan, Ahmad and me, waited for her, we joked. For example, ‘what is her mobile number?’ next 1year will she come here?’ and etc. on joking, finally parade started. Fist coaches that were drawn the parade by horses passed by us. Next, horse troopers passed. They looked proud. Last the army band walked by us. Finally, the Queen passed by us. Then I could see the Queen, directly. Bur against my expectation, she was really small and didn’t have on long white dress. Also critically, she didn’t have on Queen of Crown. So I was disappointed with her. After I saw her, I thought everything was finished. But then suddenly, it rained and the Air Show started. One by one jet plane of parties flew over. Last it made perhaps a red, white and blue behind them. The teacher asked us which place where we wanted to next, but we didn’t have enough time because we spent a lot of time at Buckingham Palace. So we decided to go to London Bridge. After we went there but I went another restaurant which I had passed by. There were waffles!! It tempted me! So I bought one plain waffle and sandwich. I was very satisfied and happy because I had been very hungry for walking around London. After we filled up our stomachs, we headed to London Bridge. On going there I could see a lot of sight. We had free time for about 30 minutes. Ahmad took a picture of me. It was quite funny. It I have a chance, I can show you. My feet were so tired, as well as other people’s feet. I suggested we sit down on chairs. After I had rest time, I went to the meeting place in order to meet the teacher and the other students. After we met them, we returned to the bus station. When we reached it, we met Henry. He came to London in order to get his baggage. I got on the bus, so my trip around London was finished.
This is very interesting! I hope that you will keep a diary of your travels in Europe. Have fun. Give our greetings to your mother and sister.
PS. I'm sorry the Queen wasn't wearing a crown. Some people just don't know how to dress properly.
Hello, this is Zoe from the OISE office team. I was very impressed to read Shin Ho's trip to London.
I was very suprised, though, in that you didn't go to Weston-Super-Mare! Didn't you want to go and build sandcastles on the beach with your bucket and spade??
I will keep watching this site!
Have a good weekend, and see you on Monday!!! (Don't be absent or late! ^^)
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